Thursday 21 June 2012

[ New In ] Secret of a Shopaholic/ Colour Analysis for "Warm"

Yes I know that in one weeks time the sales will be everywhere  but I was afraid that if I don't buy these clothes now then they will be gone later and I will not have a chance to buy them again ... you know how it is, cool stuff always disappears and all that's left is rubbish  ... Luckily,  a friend, who works with Zara lent me a card with 15% off so you could say that I bought these clothes on sale with a 15% discount :) Better then nothing.  Thank you Edyto :)

All stuff from Zara . I love this SHOP .

Today I will be writing about "Warm"

-you have red-toned hair in any shade from strawberry blonde to auburn
-you have green to blue eyes
- your skin tone is from porcelain,possibly with an abundance of freckles,or    darker-toned skin with golden glow to it 

How to wear your colours.

To balance your look ,wear warm colours near your face. You will always look best in colours that are medium in depth ,rather then light or deep. Start choosing colours that have a warm ( yellow) undertone. As your look is warm and golden ,don't be tempted to buy items in baby pink or icy violet as these colours will make you look grey. When wearing the darker neutrals in your palette ( see below), try to balance them with the lighter or paler shades. Keep make-up colours warm,especially blusher and lipstick . Salmon and peachy shades will make you look alive. Avoid black mascara and eyeliner. When it comes to buying items that you expect to keep for more then one season ( for example : a winter coat ) , the colours below are perfect for you.

Dzisiaj bede pisala o odpowiednich kolorach dla rudowlosych kobiet 

-masz czerwone włosy w odcieniu od truskawkowego do kasztanowego blondu    
 -masz zielone lub niebieskie oczy.
 -twoja  skora ma porcelanowy lub zloto-cieply odcien z duza iloscia piegow

Jak odpowiednio nosic twoje kolory.

Poniewaz twoja  skora ma zloto-cieply odcien powinnas nosic kolory sredniej glebokosci blisko twojej twarzy. Zawsze szukaj kolorow ,ktore maja cieplo-zloty odcien( zolty ).Jezeli zdecydujesz sie na ciemniejsze kolory sprobuj zrownowazyc je z lzejszymi lub jasniejszymi odcieniami z twojej palety kolorow  (patrz nizej) nigdy nie zakladaj ich samodzielnie . Unikaj kolorow takich jak baby pink lub icy violet poniewaz the kolory sprawia ,ze bedziesz wygladac SZARO! Tagze twoj makijaz powinnien byc w cieplych odcienich. Łosoś i brzoskwinia to twoje kolory. Unikaj czarnego tuszu do rzes i eyelinera. Jezli chcesz zainwestowac w cos na dluzej niz jeden sezon (na przykład: płaszcz zimowy ), to kolory ponizej sa idealne dla Ciebie.

Investment Buys

In your make- up bag

Kolory dla Rudowlosych 
Warm Colour pallette

Bag of the Week

Handbags with ring handle and blue beaded case 24k gold-plated trim,Tyrol, c.1949


  1. You got some great new shoes from Zara - God... I cannot wait to be in the UK to shop up a storm there! :)

  2. Butki swietne! Czekam na stylizacje:-)

  3. love that first pair of heel!

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